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The Resurrection Of The Divine Feminine

In the wake of our efforts for a better world, more and more people are coming together to bringing peace, salvation, nurturing and sustainable communities to eradicate the death of our humanity and our planet. Popular practices like yoga, meditation, healing circles and spiritual discourses are some of the most visible acts of transformation being implemented all over the world today, for the betterment of humanity.


In lieu of that change, the people of our world, are finding ways to live their truest calling, creating a new age human consciousness towards a common goal – the oneness of harmony, balance and surrender.


In seeking that oneness in vision, the urgent call for the restoration of our humanity and our planet is a global concern, summoning men and women from every walk of life to discovering the balance upon which Mother Earth rests on – the restoration of the Divine Feminine in a male dominant world.


Decades of the imbalanced masculine energy violating and perpetrating Mother Earth, has resulted is climatic chaos, wars, famine, illnesses, creation of destructive weapons and toxic waste, as well as, the destruction of animal and plant species, known to scientists as the cause of the sixth mass extinction since the extinction of dinosaurs. The abuse of the deranged masculine power, saw the spread of brutality, sex and human trade of women and children, including the eradication of ancient traditions and cultures that held the sanctity of our Earth for thousands of years.


It is time for an awakening – the revival of the Divine Feminine in restoring the rudiments of our existence. This awakening will bring the world together to fashion a process that warrants the completeness of all living beings.
The Divine Feminine is the sum total of everything that embodies life on planet Earth – She epitomizes the nadirs, (depths), of our subconscious and our link to the Universal source of energy.


According to ancient Hindu philosophy, more than 3000 years before Indo-European Christianity was introduced, the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti which enabled the Universal balance, empowered the creation and the sustenance of planet Earth. The harmony and balance between the masculine and the feminine are a vital component to achieving our highest potential of our Selves as well as the highest potential of Mother Earth. One cannot exist without the other.


Mother Earth, the definitive Divine Feminine is an energy that must be held paramount until the end of time, by re-establishing the balance between the masculine and the feminine energies.

It is time for the revival of the Sacred Feminine power to come to rise once again, to restore the steadiness of our planet, that She may exist in a balanced state for the generation of our children and their children’s children until the end of time.



Throughout world history, the archetypes of the Divine Feminine energies have existed and still continue to play active roles in our lives. Today, we have a better understanding of this archetype of the Feminine where Her divine energies are documented as the irrefutable, influential power She holds in the social equation of existence.


Immaterial of our gender, our collective veneration of the masculine and feminine energies provides the vital components to propel our Universe to pulsate in balance and in harmony. Only when the balance is achieved, can we enter the sacred space of each other.
The Divine Feminine Code specifies the principles of the merging of the masculine and the feminine energies – the very pathways of cure, wisdom, the furtherance of world communities, healing, salvation, peace and abundance. In the era of the revival of the Divine Feminine, the harmonization of both energies is vital to the evolution of the human race and the restoration of our planet.


*The Divine Masculine Provides Infinite Wisdom, While the Divine Feminine Provides Creation


The Divine Masculine or SHIVA (Purusha = Man), symbolises consciousness while the Divine Feminine or SHAKTI (Prakriti = Nature), symbolises power and energy. She represents energy, power, movement, change, nature or the maternal principle. In all kingdoms of life, the MOTHER element provides sustenance, nurturing, and refuge. There is no greater love than the love of a mother, for She carries and nourishes Her child in Her womb, providing it with all the care and sacrifice until the child becomes independent of its existence.
SHIVA on the other hand, is pure consciousness – the unchangeable, infinite and uninfluenced observer. He is desire-less, providing the blank canvas in which Shakti brings to life, the very essence of all existence.

Neither Shiva nor Shakti can exist on His or Her own, for whenever there is a profusion of one energy, our world will endure rains and floods indicating the abundance of one power and whenever there is an absence of one energy, our world will suffer excessive droughts indicating a lacking or a deprivation: it is only when they are in synergy with each other, that our world rotates in absolute balance.


*Life Happens When Energy and Consciousness Merge


Shiva and Shakti are manifestations of the all-encompassing divine consciousness. They are portrayed as the half of the same image; one side female and the other, male. The left side is the “feminine,” (Ida, Yin), energy, and the right side represents the “masculine,” (Pingala, Yang), consciousness.
Only when Shiva and Shakti merge, can action, movement and creation arise. Until energy is infused with consciousness, it is ignorant, chaotic, drifting and visionless. Energy cannot produce anything on its own, it can only create and manifest when consciousness confers upon it material, procedure and direction. Equally, consciousness absent of energy is latent power, unable to create, manifest, produce or be the basis of anything.


*Unification of the Feminine and the Masculine Equals Balance in Existence


Shiva and Shakti have commonly been misunderstood to represent a man and a woman unified in sexual intimacy and mystical love. Known as the Ardhanarishwara, (ar-dha-na-rish-wa-ra), depicted as half man, half woman, the unification, merging, coitus or penetration symbolises the union of the feminine and the masculine energies in harmony with each other, that all of life is possible, only when the balance of Yin and Yang, Ida and Pingala, Masculine and Feminine is achieved.


*When Energy and Consciousness Become One, the Nectar of Life is Everlasting Joy and Infinite Understanding of All Living Beings.


The Divine Masculine, (Consciousness), resides in the Sahasrāra or the Crown Chakra while the Divine Feminine, (Energy, Power), in the Mūlādhāra or Root Chakra. When Energy and Consciousness unite in the Crown Chakra, knowledge, wisdom, knowing and the body of knowledge become one – eradicating the polarities in life and all that remains is, eternal joy, unconditional love, infinite compassion and absolute understanding for all living beings.


*The Harmonization of Shiva-Shakti is the Bedrock of the Goddess Rising


Shakti is the mind of every living being, dominating or imprisoning ourselves in the play of life. Yet, Shakti is the same reason that the world is tangible and is experienced and through Her that Shiva, can experience Himself. Without Shakti, Sh’I’va is merely ‘Shava’, a motionless body – akin to the sun being without light, the moon without glow and life without movement.


Incessantly energetic, dynamic, creating, nourishing, nurturing and dissolving everything into Shiva, only to be reinvented time and time again, Shakti is the unending process of evolution, creation and progression.


Notwithstanding our gender differences, every one of us have the masculine and the feminine energy within us. Logic, scheduling, and assembly fall under the masculine. Ways of being such as thoroughness, discipline, and control also fall under this category. The masculine is a necessary attribute, for it supports the evolution of a composed ego, financial solidity, family, shelter, and association.


The feminine aspect is subtler in a society that is highly ego driven. It is ruled by intuition, receptivity, dreams, and emotion. This is an essential counterbalance to the masculine.
In discovering the balancing of the masculine and the feminine energies within you, understand that everything is a process and that, change is the only constant. Discover your masculine and feminine energies as they come to surface, allowing the “male-ness,” and the “female-ness,” of your Being to guide you to appreciating who you are and how you respond to the environment you live in.



Image credit: Pinterest


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